
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Medicine and Mayhem

 The past month has been a month of ups and downs, zigs and zags, tests and more tests. I swear I feel like I’m on the worlds most messed up roller coaster and I’d really like it to just slow down or stop!

Three days ago, I called my surgeon and thanked him for doing my surgery; it’s been one year since surgery 2/28. I think I surprised him with that call J He wished me a happy anniversary! This guy is awesome!
Dealt with insurance issues for most of February, lost our insurance AGAIN……error on the part of Walter’s part time job….I swear the insurance world is hell! We lost our insurance last winter while I was in active treatment and were not notified at all. I apparently had maxxed out my lifetime benefits and none of my chemo or radiation was covered, needless to say that has left us in a humongous hole of debt. Was put on new plan for 2011, no problems, had surgery, restarted and completed chemo again and then boom apparently as of 12/31/11 no insurance again. This time I accidently found out our insurance had been dropped, I was looking for a doctor on the Aetna site and was locked out of our account. Clerical error that took a month to clear up. I swear I am cursed! But it’s all fixed now for the year 2012 and I get to continue my cancer roller coaster ride.
Had a horrible migraine in January, lost the color vision in my left eye for a few minutes, left eye was bulging. Saw my GP, saw an ophthalmologist, got a Cat Scan, Thanked G-d that there was no tumor found. (Apparently there is/was some funky sinus stuff going on). Need glasses- my vision is so messed up from chemo 20/80 vision, very dry eyes, discovered great eye drops for fake tears. (now I always look like I am crying LOL). Waiting to start physical therapy for muscle atrophy/muscle cell damage from chemo drugs.
Started getting horrible bone pain a few weeks ago…
Tomorrow I will head into Bryn Mawr Hospital for a bone scan to see if my cancer has metastasized in my bones. We are hoping that it hasn’t….I am terrified that it has….and so continues the roller coaster ride from hell.
               Sorry, this whole post is kind of a downer; I usually try not to share all that. The past month has been rough.
In life there are so many ups and downs, so many moments of good and bad, happy and sad. I’ve gotten to know so many people through chemo and radiation. There are the people you smile and wave to, the ones you chat with about random stuff, the ones you have deep conversations with and the ones you talk to even after you are out of treatment. Two weeks ago, a girl who was at chemo with me, passed away. We never really talked, just kind of a smile or nod across the room or at a cancer info meeting. My heart breaks for her family and for her and I pray she is at peace now.
               I went to a cancer support meeting last week and the Oncology Nurse Navigator had made these little ribbons with sayings on them. The one I randomly picked says: “Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand”